8 values of free expression

The 8 values of free expression are as follows; Discovery of truth, participation in self government, stable change, individual self fulfillment, checks on governmental power ,promote tolerance, promote innovation, and lastly protect dissent. 

John Milton | Christian History

- Discovery of truths was best explained by john Milton in a argument against requiring a license to print/publish. John said When truth and falsehood are allowed to freely grapple, truth will when out. Th grappling makes the truths even stronger

Jeans-debate.gif | Contest poster, Powerpoint design templates, Freedom art

- Participation in self government, it has been suggested that citizens will not make correct choices on elections for candidates if there is not certain policies to restrict their ability to communicate positions, we want both parties informed for a debate.

- Stable change is explained that angry people are allowed to vent and speak their minds and they will be more stable and less likely to resort to violence.

- Individual self fulfillment is freedom of speech thus becoming an aspect of human dignity.

- Check on governmental power long story short is checks and balances and restraining the government from abusing power

- promote tolerance, teaches us to become more tolerant in other aspects of life, and that a more tolerant society is a better society. a society that can except things that are 50/50 and support the decisions and out comes not crush everything their party doesn't prepose. 

- Promote innovation, a creative energized interested society of citizens are more likely to fulfill and diversify themselves in ways that support the whole well being of the people.

- Protect dissent, you have a strongly protected right to disagree with the government, and everyone els. Infact, it is your patriotic duty to criticize the government.


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